Course Evaluations

As an instructor at Cornerstone you need to provide the evaluation link to your students and give them a few minutes to complete the form before you end the class.

The evaluation is the same for all courses except Ciscos and Microsofts official curriculum. There are options in the evaluation itself for computer based, virtual and other variables.

Students evaluation link

In the top right corner the student can choose between Swedish and English. It will default to the language of the browser.

Your class report

We want your feedback too! Spend a few minutes  completing your own class report: 

In the class report you'll get the chance to provide feedback to us regarding labs and other arrangements, plus give us details regarding other noteable things that might have affected the studets experience or class aftermath.

Lab Performance Report

The Lab Performance Report (LPR) is used in the case of bad lab performance. It consists of a set of questions to which the answers will be helpful for us and our lab provider in the search of the source of eventual performance problems.

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