Create and extend custom copilots in Microsoft Copilot Studio
Under den här kursen lär du dig att skapa anpassade Copilots med Copilot Studio.
Kursen innehåller många praktiska övningar och avslutas med ett längre projekt där du får tillämpa dina nya kunskaper.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Den här kursen vänder sig till alla som vill lära sig skapa anpassade Copilots med Copilot Studio. Du bör vara bekant med Power Platform och ha en grundläggande förståelse för datamodellering och analys av krav.
Detaljerad information
Build an initial copilot with Microsoft Copilot Studio
This module describes how to create copilots by using Microsoft Copilot Studio.
Manage topics in Microsoft Copilot Studio
In Microsoft Copilot Studio, topics are used to small conversations related to a specific subject. A Microsoft Copilot Studio bot typically includes many topics. This module you're introduced to the basic principles of topics such as trigger phrases and conversation paths and how to create them.
Work with entities and variables in Microsoft Copilot Studio
Microsoft Copilot Studio allows organizations to quickly create copilots based on business scenarios their customers and employees can easily interact with as needed. Items like topics can be easily created by subject matter experts with no coding required, to create intelligent conversation paths to help guide individuals down as they interact with the copilots. The copilot authoring functionality provided by Microsoft Copilot Studio provides a great starting point for organizations to build intelligent copilots.
Enhance Microsoft Copilot Studio copilots
Many times, you might need to leverage or integrate other technologies for your copilot to provide the experience you want. This module examines some of the methods that you can use to enhance your Microsoft Copilot Studio copilots such as leveraging Power Automate flow to add actions, and transferring conversations from a copilot to Omnichannel for Customer Service.
Create a copilot with Microsoft Copilot Studio and Dataverse for Teams
Employees who have quick access to information make better decisions, reduce errors, and save money. Copilots create a personalized experience that simplifies how employees get information. Microsoft Copilot Studio and Dataverse for Teams create intelligent copilots to quickly respond to employee needs without building high-code solutions.