VMware Cloud Director - Install, Configure, Manage
Denna kurs handlar om att installera, konfigurera och hantera VMware Cloud Director. Du lär dig mer om arbetsbelastning, skapande av organisationer, virtuella datacenter (VDC) och katalogtjänster som inkluderar fördefinierade virtuella maskiner och on-demand VMware NSX-nätverk.
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Kursen behandlar även gränssnitt mellan VMware Cloud Director och andra system samt även integration och användning av VMware Cloud Director Availability. Du lär dig också hur du hanterar multisite, cross-VDC-nätverk och konfigurerar Central Point of Management (CPOM) för att definiera ett Software-defined Data Center (SDDC) för tennant- och provider-användare av VMware Cloud Director.
Vi diskuterar även hur man övervakar olika VMware Cloud Director-objekt med hjälp av VMware vRealize Operations och diskuterar administrering av klientinriktade applikationer med vRealize Operations Tenant App.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Kursen är framtagen för IT-tekniker, systemingenjörer och arkitekter som behöver kunna installera, konfigurera och sköta en implementation av VMware Cloud Director.
Som deltagare förutsätts du behärska installation och konfiguration av VMware vSphere. För detta rekommenderar vi vår kurs VMware vSphere - Install, Configure, Manage. Du behöver även behärska hantering av TCP/IP.
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:
Software-Defined Data Center and VMware Validated Design
- Define Software-Defined Data Center
- Discuss VMware offerings for Cloud-Based Services
- Understand the main components of the Software-Defined Data Center
- Discuss the deployment options for vCloud Director
- Discuss VMware Validated Design™
- Recognize the design considerations when creating a cloud environment on the SDDC
Deploying and Configuring VMware Cloud Director
- Discuss the deployment options for VMware Cloud Director
- Explain different deployment options of VMware Cloud Director.
- Define automatic failover, switchover, and fencing in the VMware Cloud Director appliance
- Describe the API-only supported features of the VMware Cloud Director appliance
- Familiarize with the multiple API endpoints of the VMware Cloud Director appliance
VMware Cloud Director Provider and Tenant
- Describe how the compute resources are provided to VMware Cloud Director
- Describe how storage is provided to VMware Cloud Director
- Configure and manage storage for Virtual Datacenters (VDCs)
- Discuss the use of External Networks
- Describe VMware Cloud Director organizations
- Describe the purpose of VMware Cloud Director organizations
- Configure organizations
- Enumerate organization policies
- Allocate resources to an organization
- Discuss Cloud Director organizations
- Create Cloud Director organizations
- Understand organization policies
- How to access an organization using various portals
- Understand organization VDC
- Discuss what is linked clone and fast provisioning
- Explore cross datastore provisioning
User Access Control
- User bundle and role-based access control
- Describe role-based access
- Create custom security roles
- Describe and configure LDAP integration with Active Directory
- Describe single sign-on
- Enable a SAML identity provider
- Describe two-factor authentication
- Discuss user-bundle and role-based access control
Working with Virtual Machines
- Discuss the use of virtual machines
- Create a standalone VM
- Perform VM operations
- Manage VM properties
- Discuss the use of App Launchpad
- Onboard applications using App Launchpad
Working with vApps
- Create and manage vApps
- Deploy a vApp using various methods
- Build a vApp using best practices
- Discuss the vApp lease policies
- Discuss the implications of deleting a VM that has a named disk attached to it
- Describe VM encryption
- Discuss how VMware Cloud Director VMs and disks are encrypted
- Demonstrate how to use VM sizing and placement policies
Managing Catalogs and Templates
- Explain the purpose of catalogs and how to create a catalog organization.
- Manage catalogs
- Share catalogs
- Discuss vApp templates
- Describe the purpose and usage of Open Virtualization Format (OVF) and Custom vApp or VM Properties
- Define Catalog management and sharing catalogs inside and between organizations
VMware Cloud Director Networking
- Discuss Container Service Extension
- Discuss organization VDC networks
- List the types of organization VDC networks
- Describe the edge gateway services
- Explain NSX Datacenter for vSphere architecture
- Discuss NSX-T Datacenter architecture
- List the enhanced VMware NSX-T Data Center supported features of VMware Cloud Director
- Explore the services offered by the edge services gateway
- Recognize the sub-allocation IP pool and its use cases
- Discuss DHCP, NAT, and high availability services on the edge services gateway
- Recognize SNAT and DNAT use cases
- Explain load balancing, routing, and distributed firewall services
- Create and manage vApp networks
- List the various types of vApp networks
- Discuss vApp fencing
- Discuss routed, isolated, and direct vApp networks
Advanced Networking
- Describe the multisite feature in Cloud Director
- Associate Cloud Director sites
- Associate organizations
- Access multiple sites from a single user interface
- Configure cross-VDC networking and L2 stretched networks
- Configure data center groups
- Explain the main usage and purpose of the NSX Migration of Cloud Director tool
- Explain the environmental prerequisites and how to prepare the edge cluster for bridging
Additional Features
- Discuss multisite deployments
- Configure cross VDC networking
- Define SDDC
- Familiarize with SDDC and SDDC proxy
- Discuss enhanced CPOM through the tenant portal
- Discuss architecture for vCloud Availability for vCloud Director
- Discuss vCloud Availability for vCloud Director portal
- Review fail-over Virtual Machine options
- Discuss on premises-to-cloud migration
- Discuss enhanced CPOM through the tenant portal
- Integrate vRealize Orchestrator with Cloud Director.
- Execute Cloud Director workflows using vRealize Orchestrator.
- Integrate vCloud Availability with Cloud Director
- Understand Container Service Extension
Resource Monitoring and Feature Preview
- Identify log locations for vCloud Director
- Manage vSphere resources from vCloud Director
- Manage cloud resources from vCloud Director
- Understand monitoring of objects from VMware Cloud Director HTML5 Portal
- Briefly introduce vRealize Operations Manager
- Integrate VMware Cloud Director with vRealize Operations Manager
- Configure Cloud Director Management Pack
- Understand dashboard, metrics, alerts, alert definition, and reports
- Introduce VMware vRealize Operations Tenant App
- Integrate VMware Cloud Director with Tenant App
- Configure Tenant App with VMware Cloud Director
- Monitoring and billing objects with Tenant App
- List the upcoming features