VMware vSphere - Core Technical Data Center Virtualization Operators Skills

Kurskod T3711

VMware vSphere - Core Technical Data Center Virtualization Operators Skills

Den här kursen är en introduktion till VMware vSphere. Under kursen får du de färdigheter som behövs för att utföra de sk "dag 2-operativa" uppgifter som vanligtvis tilldelas rollerna som operatör eller junioradministratör i en befintlig vSphere-miljö.

36450 kr (exklusive moms)
4 dagar
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4 nov
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7 jan
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2 jun
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Målgrupp och förkunskaper

Kursen är framtagen för teknisk IT-personal med grundläggande systemadministrationsförmåga och operatörer som ansvarar för hantering av virtuella maskiner med VMware ESXi och VMware vCenter Server.

Som deltagare förutsätts du besitta vissa grundkunskaper, såsom:

  • Grundläggande kunskaper om operativsystem på tekniker-nivå
  • Förståelse av grundläggande nätverks-, lagrings- och datorhårdvarukoncept

För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.

Detaljerad information

Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:

Course Introduction
  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives
Virtualization and vSphere Concepts
  • Describe how virtual machines (VMs) work
  • Recognize the purpose of a hypervisor
  • Describe how VMs share resources in a virtualized environment
  • Recognize the components of an SDDC
  • Describe the relationship between vSphere, the SDDC, and cloud computing
  • Recognize the functions of the components in a vSphere environment
  • Access and view vSphere graphical user interfaces
  • Identify VMware solutions that integrate with vSphere in the SDDC
Navigating the vSphere Client
  • View and organize the inventory objects managed by vCenter Server
  • Add and assign vSphere licenses
  • Change the log level of vCenter Server
  • Edit the startup policy of ESXi services
  • Describe how vCenter Server roles and permissions work
  • Add permissions to virtual machines
Lifecycle of Virtual Machines
  • Add and remove VM virtual hardware components
  • Identify the purpose of different VM files
  • Configure VM settings
  • Create and delete virtual machines
  • Recognize the benefits of installing VMware Tools™
  • Install VMware Tools into a guest operating system
  • Upgrade VMware Tools and VM hardware compatibility
vSphere Networking
  • Describe virtual networking
  • Recognize ways that virtual switches connect VMs and ESXi hosts to the network
  • View components and properties of a vSphere standard switch configuration
  • View a vSphere distributed switch configuration in vSphere Client
  • Recognize when and how to use the settings for the security networking policy
  • Recognize when and how to use the settings for the traffic shaping networking policy
  • Describe how the NIC teaming and failover policy helps maintain network connectivity
  • Perform basic checks to diagnose VM connectivity issues
vSphere Storage
  • Describe the function of a datastore
  • Recognize types of vSphere datastores
  • View datastore information in vSphere Client
  • Monitor datastore usage in vSphere Client
Virtual Machine Management
  • Recognize the benefits of using VM templates
  • Create and update a VM template
  • Deploy a VM from an existing template
  • Clone a virtual machine
  • Recognize how to use guest OS customization specifications
  • Deploy VMs from a content library
  • Deploy a virtual appliance from an OVF template
  • Perform a hot and cold migrations of VMs
  • Identify requirements for using VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion®
  • Perform a vSphere Storage vMotion migration
  • Identify use cases for VM snapshots
  • Create and manage snapshots of a virtual machine
Resource Monitoring
  • Recognize the purpose of each type of VM resource control
  • Configure the resource allocation settings of a VM
  • Observe the behavior of virtual machines with different share values
  • Manage and acknowledge vSphere alarms
  • Use performance charts to monitor VM CPU and memory usage
  • Monitor tasks and events in vSphere Client
vSphere Clusters
  • View information about the services that a vSphere cluster offers
  • Recognize how vSphere HA responds to different types of failures
  • Monitor vSphere HA during a host failure
  • Describe how vSphere DRS works
  • Interpret DRS scores given to VMs
  • Recognize how to apply the appropriate vSphere DRS automation and migration threshold levels
  • Describe how vSphere Fault Tolerance works
  • Recognize how Enhanced vMotion Compatibility works

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