AWS Security Essentials

AWS Security Essentials

AWS Security Essentials covers fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured. Based on the AWS Shared Security Model, you learn where you are responsible for implementing security in the AWS Cloud and what security-oriented services are available to you and why and how the security services can help meet the security needs of your organization.

10450 kr (exklusive moms)
1 dag
Ort och startdatum
14 mar
Live Online
16 jun
Live Online
12 sep
Live Online
12 dec
Live Online

This course enables you to dive deep, ask questions, work through solutions, and get feedback from AWS-accredited instructors with deep technical knowledge. This is a fundamental level course and is a part of the AWS Security learning path.

Target Audience and Prerequisites

This course is intended for:

  • IT business-level professionals interested in cloud security practices
  • Security professionals with minimal working knowledge of AWS 

We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Working knowledge of IT security practices and infrastructure concepts
  • Familiarity with cloud computing concepts

Course Objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Identify security benefits and responsibilities when using the AWS Cloud
  • Describe the access control and management features of AWS
  • Understand the different data encryption methods to secure sensitive data
  • Describe how to secure network access to your AWS resources
  • Determine which AWS services can be used for security logging and monitoring
Detaljerad information
Security on AWS
  • Security design principles in the AWS Cloud
  • AWS Shared Responsibility Model
Security OF the Cloud
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • Data Center Security
  • Compliance and Governance
Security IN the Cloud – Part 1
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Data Protection 
Security IN the Cloud – Part 2
  • Securing your infrastructure
  • Monitoring and detective controls
Security IN the Cloud – Part 3
  • DDoS mitigation Incident response essentials
Course Wrap Up
  • AWS Well-Architected tool overview
10450 kr (exklusive moms)
1 dag
Ort och startdatum
14 mar
Live Online
16 jun
Live Online
12 sep
Live Online
12 dec
Live Online

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