Cisco SD-WAN - Operations Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Denna kurs fokuserar på Cisco Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN), en overlay-arkitektur som eliminerar de huvudsakliga nackdelarna med traditionella WAN.
Som deltagare lär du dig använda Cisco SD-WAN över alla transportmedia (MPLS, bredband, LTE, VSAT etc) samt utföra felsökning, hantering, policykontroll och applikationssynlighet i hela organisationen.
Kursen täcker produkten Cisco SD-WAN-och innehåller omfattande laborationer för att förstärka den inhämtade kompetensen.
Kursen levereras i samarbete med NterOne.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Kursen riktar sig tillö nätverkstekniker och nätverksingenjörer som planerar, implementerar eller administrerar en Cisco SD-WAN-lösning.
Som deltagare förutsätts du ha grundläggande kunskaper i arkitekturen hos ett Wide Area Network (WAN)-nätverk.
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska med detta innehåll:
Cisco SD-WAN Introduction
- High-level Cisco SD-WAN Deployment models
- Application level SD-WAN solution
- Cisco SDWAN high availability solution
- Cisco SD-WAN Scalability
- Cisco SD-WAN Solution Benefits
Cisco SD-WAN Orchestration
- Introduction
- vManage NMS
- vSmart Controller
- vBond Orchestrator
- Controller Resiliency Architecture
Site Architecture and Deployment Models
- Site Capabilities
- vEdge Router
- vEdge form factors
Zero Touch Provisioning
- Overview
- User Input Required for the ZTP Automatic Authentication Process
- Authentication between the vBond Orchestrator and a vEdge Router
- Authentication between the vEdge Router and the vManage NMS
- Authentication between the vSmart Controller and the vEdge Router
Cisco SD-WAN Solution
- Overlay Management Protocol (OMP)
- Cisco SDWAN Circuit Aggregation Capabilities
- Secure Connectivity in Cisco SD-WAN
- Performance Tracking Mechanisms
- Application Discovery
- Dynamic Path Selection
- Performance Based Routing
- Dynamic Cloud Access
Operations Best Practices
- Config: Test Configuration Changes Before Committing
- NAT: Secure Routers Acting as NATs
- vEdge Routers: Connect to the Console Port
- vEdge Routers: Use the Poweroff Command
- Viptela Devices: Site ID Naming Conventions
- Viptela Devices: Using the System IP Address
- vManage NMS: Disaster Recovery
Application Monitoring
- vManage
- vAnalytics
- Ecosystem Partner Solutions
Troubleshooting Methods
- Remote Access
- Console Access
- LAN Interfaces
- WAN Interfaces
- Control Connections
General Troubleshooting
- Check Application-Aware Routing Traffic
- Collect Device Data To Send to Customer Support
- Monitor Alarms and Events
- Monitor TCP Optimization
- Ping a Viptela Device
- Run a Traceroute
- Simulate Flows
- Troubleshoot Cellular Interfaces
- Troubleshoot Device Bringup
- Troubleshoot WiFi Connnections
- Use Syslog Messages
- Tunnel Health
Troubleshooting: Data Plane Issues
- BFD Session Information
- Cflowd Information
- Data Policies
- DPI Information
- Symptom: Site Cannot Reach Applications in Datacenter
- Symptom: vManage Showing vEdge or Interface Down
- Symptom: Site-Wide Loss of Connectivity (Blackout)
- Symptom: Poor Application Performance (Brownout)
- Issue Severity Assessment
Troubleshooting: Routing Issues
- BGP Information
- Multicast Information
- OMP Information
- OSPF Information
- PIM Information
- Symptom: Some or All Routes Missing from vEdge Routing table
- Symptom: Data Traffic Using Suboptimal Path
- Symptom: Data Traffic Not Using All Transports
Application-Aware Routing
- Application Performance with CloudExpress Service
- Tunnel Latency Statistics
- Tunnel Loss Statistics
- Interface Troubleshooting
- Reset an Interface
- All Interfaces
- ARP Table Entries
- Cellular Interface Information
- DHCP Server and Interface Information
- Interface MTU Information
- Management Interfaces
- VRRP Information
- WAN Interfaces
Network Operations
- Check Alarms and Events
- Check User Accounts and Permissions
- Deploy the Viptela Overlay Network
- Determine the Status of Network Sites
- Control Connections
- Data Connections
- Network Performance with vAnalytics Platform
- OMP Status
Security Certificate Troubleshooting
- Generate a Certificate
- Upload the vEdge Serial Number File
- Certificate
Viptela Devices Maintenance
- Decommission a vEdge Cloud Router
- Determine the Status of a Network Device
- Locate a Viptela Device
- Migrate a Controller's Virtual Machine Using vMotion
- Reboot a Device
- Remove a vEdge Router's Serial Number from the vManage NMS
- Replace a vEdge Router
- Restore the vManage NMS
- Set Up User Accounts to Access Viptela Devices
- Validate or Invalidate a vEdge Router
- Software Versions Installed on a Device
- Status of a vBond Orchestrator
- Status of a vEdge Router
- Status of a vSmart Controller
Viptela Device Operation and Troubleshooting
- Determine Changes to a Configuration Template
- Determine Why a Device Rejects a Template
- Alarm Severity Levels
- Hardware Alarms
- Checking Alarms and Notifications
- LEDs
- Additional Information
- Restore a vEdge Router
- Remove vEdge Router Components
Working With Viptela Support
- Case Priority Levels and Response Times
- Information for Opening Cases
- Viptela Customer Support Portal
- Other Ways to Contact Support
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