Developing SQL Databases, Part 1

Denna SQL Server-kurs ger dig kunskaperna om funktioner och verktyg i SQL Server som du behöver för att skapa databaser. Utbildningen riktar sig utvecklare och tekniker som vill komma igång med att skapa databaslösningar med SQL Server. Du lär dig bland annat att skapa och hantera tabeller, vyer, index, lagrade procedurer och funktioner.
Denna kurs är lämplig oavsett om man har SQL Server on-premise eller som en molntjänst (såsom Azure SQL Database eller Azure SQL Managed Instance).
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Den här kursen vänder sig till utvecklare och tekniker som lära sig att skapa databaslösningar med SQL Server.
Du bör ha grundläggande förkunskaper om Transact-SQL motsvarande vår kurs Querying Data with Transact-SQL .
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med följande innehåll:
Introduction to Database Development
This module introduces the entire SQL Server platform and its major tools. It will cover editions, versions, basics of network listeners, and concepts of services and service accounts.
- Introduction to the SQL Server Platform
- SQL Server Database Development Tasks
Designing and Implementing Tables
This modules describes the design and implementation of tables. (Note: partitioned tables are not covered).
- Designing Tables
- Data Types
- Working with Schemas
- Creating and Altering Tables
Ensuring Data Integrity through Constraints
This module describes the design and implementation of constraints.
- Enforcing data Integrity
- Implementing Domain Integrity
- Implementing Entity and Referential Integrity
Introduction to Indexes
An index is a collection of pages associated with a table. Indexes are used to improve the performance of queries or enforce uniqueness. Before learning to implement indexes, it is helpful to understand how they work, how effective different data types are when used within indexes, and how indexes can be constructed from multiple columns. This module discusses table structures that do not have indexes, and the different index types available in Microsoft SQL Server.
- Core Indexing Concepts
- Data Types and Indexes
- Heaps, Clustered, and Nonclustered Indexes
- Single Column and Composite Indexes
Designing Optimized Index Strategies
This module discusses advanced index topics including covering indexes, the INCLUDE clause, query hints, padding and fill factor, statistics, using DMOs, the Database Tuning Advisor, and Query Store.
- Index Strategies
- Managing Indexes
- Execution Plans
- The Database Engine Tuning Advisor
- Query Store
Designing and Implementing Views
This module describes the design and implementation of views.
- Introduction to views
- Creating and managing views
- Performance considerations for views
Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures
This module describes the design and implementation of stored procedures.
- Introduction to Stored Procedures
- Working with Stored Procedures
- Implementing Parameterized Stored Procedures
- Controlling Execution Context
Designing and Implementing User-Defined Functions
In this module, you will learn to design and implement user-defined functions (UDFs) that enforce business rules or data consistency. You will also learn how to modify and maintain existing functions.
- Overview of Functions
- Designing and Implementing Scalar Functions
- Designing and Implementing Table-Valued Functions
- Implementation Considerations for Functions
- Alternatives to Functions
Responding to Data Manipulation via Triggers
In this module, you will learn what Data Manipulation Language (DML) triggers are, how they enforce data integrity, the different types of trigger that are available to you, and how to define them in your database.
- Designing DML Triggers
- Implementing DML Triggers
- Advanced Trigger Concepts
SQL Server Concurrency
This module explains how to name, declare, assign values to, and use variables. It also describes how to store data in an array. Concurrency control is a critical feature of multiuser database systems; it allows data to remain consistent when many users are modifying data at the same time. This module covers the implementation of concurrency in Microsoft SQL Server. You will learn about how SQL Server implements concurrency controls, and the different ways you can configure and work with concurrency settings.
- Concurrency and Transactions
- Locking Internals
"Fantastisk kurs, där Tibor är en mycket mycket bra lärare, han håller en röd tråd och gör det enkelt att hänga med och förstå med både Kursförfattarens exempel och egna exempel. Stort tack!!"
"Lagom stor grupp, bra kursupplägg och fantastiskt bra lärare!"