Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Under den här kursen lär du dig hur du utvecklar lösningar i Azure. Du lär dig bland annat hur du skapar Azure Functions, hur du implementerar och hanterar webbappar, utnyttjar olika sätt att lagra data i Azure samt hur du använder Azures tjänster för autentisering och auktorisation.
Vidare täcker kursen hur du använder KeyVault och Managed Identities, hur du utvecklar lösningar med event-baserad arkitektur samt hur du övervakar, felsöker och optimerar din lösning.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Kursen vänder sig till utvecklare som ska utveckla lösningar för Azure.
Som förkunskaper ska du ha viss erfarenhet av Azure och kunna programmera i minst ett språk som stöds i Azure. C# används för de flesta exempel.
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:
Implementing Azure App Service web apps
Learn how Azure App Service functions and how to create and update an app. Explore App Service authentication and authorization, configuring app settings, scale apps, and how to use deployment slots.
- Explore Azure App Service
- Configure web app settings
- Scale apps in Azure App Service
- Explore Azure App Service deployment slots
Implement Azure functions
Learn how to create and deploy Azure Functions.
- Explore Azure Functions
- Develop Azure Functions
Develop solutions that use Blob storage
Learn how to create Azure Blob storage resources, manage data through the blob storage lifecycle, and work with containers and items by using the Azure Blob storage client library.
- Explore Azure Blob storage
- Manage the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
- Work with Azure Blob storage
Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB
Learn how to create Azure Cosmos DB resources with the appropriate consistency levels, choose and create a partition key, and perform data operations by using the .NET SDK V3 for Azure Cosmos DB.
- Explore Azure Cosmos DB
- Implement partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB
- Work with Azure Cosmos DB
Implement containerized solutions
- Manage container images in Azure Container Registry
- Run container images in Azure Container Instances
- Implement Azure Container Apps
Implement user authentication and authorization
Learn how to implement authentication and authorization to resources by using the Microsoft identity platform, Microsoft Authentication Library, shared access signatures, and use Microsoft Graph.
- Explore the Microsoft identity platform
- Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library
- Implement shared access signatures
- Explore Microsoft Graph
Implement secure cloud solutions
Learn how to more securely deploy apps in Azure by using Azure Key Vault, managed identities, and Azure App Configuration.
- Implement Azure Key Vault
- Implement managed identities
- Implement Azure App Configuration
Implement API Management
Learn how the API Management service functions, how to transform and secure APIs, and how to create a backend API.
- Explore API Management
Develop event-based solutions
Learn how to build applications with event-based architectures by integrating Azure Event Grid and Azure Event Hubs in to your solution.
- Explore Azure Event Grid
- Explore Azure Event Hubs
Develop message-based solutions
Learn how to build applications with message-based architectures by integrating Azure Service Bus and Azure Queue Storage in to your solution.
- Discover Azure message queues
Troubleshoot solutions by using Application Insights
Learn how to instrument apps to enable Application Insights to monitor performance and help troubleshoot issues.
- Monitor app performance
Implement caching for solutions
Learn how to improve the performance and scalability of your applications by integrating Azure Cache for Redis and Azure Content Delivery Network in to your solution.
- Develop for Azure Cache for Redis
- Develop for storage on CDNs