VMware Horizon Cloud Service - Deploy and Manage on Microsoft Azure
Denna kurs ger dig kompetens i att distribuera och hantera VMware Horizon Cloud Service på Microsoft Azure med VMware Horizon Cloud Administration Console och Microsoft Azure Portal.
Genom en kombination av praktiska laborationer och interaktiva föreläsningar lär du dig hur du importerar och hanterar bilder för VDI- och RDSH-uppdrag. Du lär dig också hur du konfigurerar och använder Universal Broker-funktionen, VMware App Volumes, Workspace ONE Access och VMware Dynamic Environment Manager i Horizon Cloud Service på Microsoft Azure.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Kursen är framtagen för systemingenjörer och IT-tekniker som skall distribuera och hantera VMware Horizon Cloud Service på Microsoft Azure.
För att hänga med i kursens tempo och tillgoodogöra dig dess innehåll förutsätts du som deltagare besitta grundläggande kunskaper inom administration av Microsoft-baserade operativsystem och Azure-baserade molntjänster.
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:
Introduction to Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Identify Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure features, benefits, and licensing options
- Interpret Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure architecture components to identify configuration
- prerequisite
- Interpret Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure deployment models
- Discuss the initial Microsoft Azure configurations required for the Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- deployment
Microsoft Azure Networking Requirements
- Summarize Horizon Cloud connectivity considerations and tasks
- Discuss Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure networking concepts
- Identify ports required for local connections, remote connections, and endpoint operating system firewall
- rules
Active Directory
- List the features and limitations of supported AD configurations
- Discuss Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure AD integration best practices
- Determine Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure AD requirements
Deployment and Upgrades
- Determine steps and requirements to deploy Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Discuss the features and benefits of using multiple tenant subnets for desktops and RDSH
- Discuss the features and benefits of using Internal and External UAG
- Recognize Horizon Cloud Service console controls that are available for administrators
- Identify Horizon Cloud upgrade features and benefits
Creating Images
- Outline the process and choices to set up primary VMs
- Identify the configuration choices for importing primary VMs
- List steps to install the user software on the primary VM
- Identify steps to convert a configured primary VM to an assignable image
Access Desktops and Applications
- Use Horizon Client to access desktops and remote applications
- Compare the remote display protocols that are available for Horizon Cloud
Remote Desktop Session Host Farms
- List the steps and considerations to take when creating an RDSH farm
- List the actions that can be performed on farms listed on the console’s Farms page
- List the actions to assign an application to a user or group
- List the prerequisites and steps to create an RDSH session assignment
VDI Desktops
- Compare a dedicated assignment to floating assignment
- Outline steps to create a VDI desktop assignment
- Explain the entitlement of desktops
Managing Assignable Images
- Describe and manage assignable images
- Describe and Use Image management service for Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
- Identify the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager functional areas and their benefits
- Prepare an infrastructure for VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
- Outline the steps that are required to install and configure Dynamic Environment Manager components
- Manage user personalization and application configurations using the Dynamic Environment Manager
- management console and application profiler
App Volumes for Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Explain how App Volumes works with Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Identify the features and benefits of App Volumes in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Identify the interface elements of App Volumes in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Install and configure App Volumes in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
Workspace ONE Access
- Describe the benefits of integrating VMware Horizon Cloud service with Workspace ONE Access.
- Describe how a user obtains access to an entitled virtual desktop or application from the Intelligent Hub
- Describe the importance of binding directory with Workspace ONE Access and setting up custom user
- attribute synchronization.
- Describe the importance of configuring the Remote App Access Client in Workspace ONE Access.
- Summarize the steps of configuring the Access settings in Horizon Cloud control panel.
- Access an entitled Horizon virtual desktop or application in the Intelligent Hub catalog.
Scalability Considerations
- Discuss the Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure scalability cost and settings
- Describe the usage of Universal Broker in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
Horizon Cloud Connector
- Describe the features and benefits of Horizon Cloud Connector
- List the prerequisites and requirements to connect a Horizon pod with Horizon Cloud Connector
- Determine the process of deploying, configuring, and paring Horizon Cloud Connector into your pod’s
- environment
Troubleshooting Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
- Discuss Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure troubleshooting basics
- Discuss Horizon Cloud Service troubleshooting basics
- Summarize the analytics and monitoring capabilities in Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure
Kursen hålls på begäran - Kontakta oss för mer information.
Telefon: 08-562 557 50 E-post: kursbokning@cornerstone.se
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