VMware NSX - Install Configure Manage (NSXICM)

Denna femdagarskurs ger dig kunskaperna för att administrera en miljö baserad på VMware NSX. Utbildningen täcker egenskaper och funktionalitet hos NSX i OSI-modellens lager två till sju.
Under kursen får du tillgång till en labbmiljö i ett mjukvarudefinierat datacenter tillhandahållet av VMware.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Kursen riktar sig till dig som arbetar i en VMware-baserad virtualiseringsmiljö och skall implementera VMware NSX.
Som deltagare förutsätts att du har dessa förkunskaper:
- Förståelse av företagsomkoppling och routing
- Kunskap om TCP / IP-tjänster
- Erfarenhet med brandväggar och brandväggsregelsatser
- Förståelse av begrepp som presenteras i kursen för VMware Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
- Förståelse av begrepp som presenteras i VMware Introduktion till nätverksvirtualisering med NSX-kurs
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Från april 2023 behandlar kursen NSX version 4. Produkten gick tidigare under namnet NSX-T Data Center
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:
NSX Introduction
- Introductions and course logistics
- Review course objectives
Overview, Architecture, and Components of NSX
- Describe NSX platform features and advantages
- List the capabilities of NSX platform
- Explain the value proposition of NSX
- Describe NSX Architecture planes
- Describe NSX and Kubernetes integration features
- Describe NSX and Pivotal Cloud Foundry integration features
- Describe NSX and OpenShift integration features
- Describe NSX Cloud™ use cases
- Explain NSX Cloud features and capabilities
- Describe the NSX Cloud components and their roles and responsibilities
Deploying NSX
- Define the NSX deployment preparation
- Identify the system requirements to deploy NSX
- Identify ports and protocols
- Identify and describe the NSX installation checklist
- Describe the OVF deployment of NSX
- Explain how to power on the NSX Manager using a Compute Manager (VMware vCenter Server®)
- Describe the process to check the NSX Manager status
- Explain the methods to reboot the NSX Manager
User and Role Management
- Describe role-based Access Control and VMware Identity Manager™
- Explain the integration of NSX with VMware Identity Manager
- Explain authentication policies
- Identify the four types of permissions
- Describe the workflows of logical switching (MP, CCP, DP)
- Describe the VMware Identity Manager built-in roles
- Explain VMware Identity Manager Domains and User Attributes
Logical Switching Networking Services
- Explain the need for NSX Logical Switching feature
- Describe various logical switching terminology
- List the various types of logical switches available
- Explain N-VDS implementation in ESXi and KVM
- Explain the encapsulation protocol GENEVE implementation
- Explain the Switch Security feature of NSX Logical Switching
Logical Bridging Networking Services
- Explain the function and purpose of logical bridging
- Describe the scenarios for logical bridging
Logical Routing Networking Services
- Explain the function of NSX Logical Routing
- Describe NSX multitier routing architectures
- Explain north-south and east-west routing
- Differentiate between dynamic and static routing
- Describe the architecture of NSX two-tier routing
- Explain the benefits of NSX two-tier routing for single- and multi-tenancy
- Describe the form factors of NSX Edge nodes
- Explain the purpose of Equal Cost Multipath routing
Operational Services
- Describe NSX services
- Describe Source and Destination NAT
- Describe NSX DNS and DHCP services
- List the HA Modes available in NSX
- Describe the load-balancing service of NSX
- Explain Metadata Proxies
Security Services
- Describe NSX microsegmentation
- Explain microsegmentation use cases
- Explain microsegmentation design objectives
- Describe the architecture of NSX firewalls
- Explain the purpose and creation of firewall sections
- Explain the function of NSX SpoofGuard
NSX Operations
- Describe the configuration, routine maintenance, and management of NSX
- Describe the procedure of applying NSX authentication certificates
- Explain the need and process to manage IP addresses
- Describe the methods for NSX logging
- Explain the types of backups available
- Explain the various native troubleshooting tools available for NSX Data Center
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