VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - Install Configure Manage

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - Install  Configure  Manage

På denna kurs lär du dig hur du installerar VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid i en VMware vSphere-miljö samt även att vårda och övervaka Tanzu Kubernetes Grid-baserade kluster. 

36950 kr (exklusive moms)
4 dagar
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Hålls på begäran

Kursen behandlar hur du installerar Tanzu Kubernetes Grid-paket för att tillhandahålla tjänster som image-register, autentisering, loggning, ingång, multipod-nätverksgränssnitt, tjänsteupptäckt och övervakning, samt dag 2-operationer som backup, livscykelhantering och applikationsspecifika verktyg. Begreppen under kursen är tillämpliga för användare som skall installera Tanzu Kubernetes Grid på supportade molnplattformar.

VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid gick tidigare under namnet VMware PKS.

Målgrupp och förkunskaper

Kursen är utformad för administratörer av en VMware-baserad virtuell infrastruktur som skall distribuera och hantera Tanzu Kubernetes-kluster.

Som deltagare förutsätts du besitta grundläggande kunskaper om Kubernetes.

För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.

Detaljerad information

Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:

Introducing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Describe Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Describe VMware vSphere® with VMware Tanzu®
  • Describe VMware Tanzu® Mission ControlTM
  • Describe VMware Tanzu® for Kubernetes Operations
  • Describe the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid components
  • Discuss bootstrapping multiple Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instances
  • Describe vSphere Namespaces
  • Describe the benefits of registering with VMware Tanzu Mission Control
CLI Tools and Cluster API
  • Describe the Tanzu CLI and plug-ins
  • Describe the Kubernetes CLI Tools for vSphere
  • Describe the Carvel tool set
  • Describe Cluster API
  • List the infrastructure providers
  • Detail the Cluster API controllers
  • List the Cluster API custom resource definitions
  • Define Kubernetes roles and RBAC API objects
  • Define Pinniped and OpenID Connect
  • Define Dex and LDAP authentication
  • Define VMware vCenter® Single Sign-On integration with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Identify the management cluster authentication components
  • Describe the Pinniped workflow in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on a management cluster
  • Describe vSphere Namespace permissions and roles
  • Define authentication using vCenter Single Sign-On
  • Define authentication using external identity providers
  • Identify the authentication options for kubectl and the Tanzu CLI
Load Balancers
  • Explain load balancing in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Describe the different load balancers that integrate with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Discuss public cloud load balancing
  • Describe the components of VMware NSX® Advanced Load BalancerTM
  • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid integrates with NSX Advanced Load Balancer
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on vSphere
  • Outline the requirements for deploying a supervisor cluster in a vSphere environment
  • Describe the different options for deploying the supervisor cluster
  • Describe the licensing requirements for supervisor clusters
  • List the steps to install a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid supervisor cluster and retrieve its status
  • Describe how to apply a full license to the supervisor cluster
  • List the requirements for deploying a management cluster in a vSphere environment
  • List the requirements for a bootstrap machine
  • List the requirements for Internet-restricted environments
  • Explain how the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid version relates to specific OVA versions
  • Describe the optional configuration for deploying a management cluster in a vSphere environment
  • List the steps to install a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management cluster
  • Summarize the creation of a management cluster
  • Define the commands available for working with management clusters
  • List the steps to register Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management clusters with VMware Tanzu Mission Control
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on Public Clouds
  • Describe the requirements for deploying a management cluster on AWS and Azure
  • Summarize the process of creating a management cluster on a public cloud
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Workload Clusters
  • List the options for deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid workload clusters
  • Describe the different types of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid workload clusters
  • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters are created
  • Describe the VMs that are included in a workload cluster
  • Describe the components of a workload cluster
  • Describe the difference between machine images and custom machine images
  • List the available customizations
  • Explain how to build custom images
  • Describe how to use custom images
  • Describe the commands available for working with workload clusters
  • Explain how to scale workload clusters
  • Describe machine health checks
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Packages
  • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid uses packages
  • Identify the different package repositories
  • Describe the different types of packages and their dependencies
  • Define auto-managed packages
  • Identify the auto-managed packages that are installed to every cluster and those that are installed based on configuration
  • Explain how auto-managed packages are installed and configured
  • Define CLI-managed packages
  • Explain how CLI-managed packages are installed and configured
  • Use the Tanzu CLI to configure and install optional packages and repositories
Configuring and Managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Networking Packages
  • Describe cert-manager
  • Explain how to install cert-manager
  • Describe the Contour ingress controller
  • Explain how to install Contour
  • Describe service discovery
  • Describe ExternalDNS
  • Detail the configuration options for BIND servers
  • Explain how to install ExternalDNS
  • Describe Multus
  • Describe Multus pod configuration
  • Describe Whereabouts
  • Explain how to install Multus and Whereabouts
Configuring and Managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Operation and Analytics Packages
  • Describe Fluent Bit
  • Detail the logs that Fluent Bit collects
  • Describe basic Fluent Bit configuration
  • Explain how to install Fluent Bit
  • Describe Prometheus
  • Describe Grafana
  • Describe the Harbor image registry
  • Explain Harbor vulnerability scanning
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Day 2 Operations
  • Explain the process of authenticating Tanzu Kubernetes Grid workload clusters
  • Identify the method of creating restricted role-based access to components inside a workload cluster
  • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid integrates with NSX Advanced Load Balancer for ingress
  • Describe VMware Tanzu® Application PlatformTM
  • List the steps to install Tanzu Application Platform on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid workload clusters
  • Describe the prerequisites and steps for upgrading Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instances
  • Describe the prerequisites and steps for updating Tanzu Kubernetes Grid workload clusters
  • Understand how VMware Tanzu Mission Control manages the life cycle of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Define Velero Plugin for vSphere and standalone Velero
  • Describe Velero Plugin for vSphere
  • Identify the steps to install Velero on workload clusters
  • Explain how to back up and restore workload clusters with the Velero CLI and VMware Tanzu Mission Control
Troubleshooting Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Describe the various Tanzu Kubernetes Grid logs
  • Explain how to review the Cluster API controller logs
  • Identify the location of the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid logs
  • Explain the purpose of Crash Diagnostics
  • Describe how to use SSH to connect to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid nodes
  • Explain how to troubleshoot package installation errors
36950 kr (exklusive moms)
4 dagar
Ort och startdatum
Hålls på begäran

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Telefon: 08-562 557 50  E-post: kursbokning@cornerstone.se

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