VMware vSphere 8 - Install, Configure, Manage (VSICM)

VMware vSphere 8 - Install, Configure, Manage (VSICM)

Denna vSphere 8-kurs ger dig praktisk och handgriplig kunskap och övningar med fokus på installation, konfigurering och hantering av VMware vSphere, med VMware ESXi och VMware vCenter Server.

42450 kr (exklusive moms)
5 dagar
Ort och startdatum
10 mar
Stockholm, Live Online
5 maj
Göteborg, Live Online
23 jun
Stockholm, Live Online
18 aug
Live Online

Utbildningen förbereder dig att administrera en vSphere-infrastruktur för organisationer av alla storlekar. Den utgör grunden för de flesta andra VMware-teknologier i det programvarudefinierade datacentret. 

vSphere 8

Kursinnehållet baseras på vSphere 8, men är till merparten applicerbart på tidigare versioner.

Målgrupp och förkunskaper

Kursen riktar sig till systemingenjörer och administratörer som skall utföra installation, konfigurering och hantering av VMware vSphere med VMware ESXi och VMware vCenter Server.

Som deltagare förutsätts du ha erfarenhet och grundläggande kunskaper inom systemadministration av operativsystem som Microsoft Windows eller Linux.

För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.

Detaljerad information

Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:

vSphere and Virtualization Overview
  • Explain basic virtualization concepts
  • Describe how vSphere fits in the software-defined data center and the cloud infrastructure
  • Recognize the user interfaces for accessing vSphere
  • Explain how vSphere interacts with CPUs, memory, networks, storage, and GPUs
Installing and Configuring ESXi
  • Install an ESXi host
  • Recognize ESXi user account best practices
  • Configure the ESXi host settings using the DCUI and VMware Host Client
Deploying and Configuring vCenter
  • Recognize ESXi hosts communication with vCenter
  • Deploy vCenter Server Appliance
  • Configure vCenter settings
  • Use the vSphere Client to add and manage license keys
  • Create and organize vCenter inventory objects
  • Recognize the rules for applying vCenter permissions
  • View vCenter logs and events
Configuring vSphere Networking
  • Configure and view standard switch configurations
  • Configure and view distributed switch configurations
  • Recognize the difference between standard switches and distributed switches
  • Explain how to set networking policies on standard and distributed switches
Configuring vSphere Storage
  • Recognize vSphere storage technologies
  • Identify types of vSphere datastores
  • Describe Fibre Channel components and addressing
  • Describe iSCSI components and addressing
  • Configure iSCSI storage on ESXi
  • Create and manage VMFS datastores
  • Configure and manage NFS datastores
Deploying Virtual Machines
  • Create and provision VMs
  • Explain the importance of VMware Tools
  • Identify the files that make up a VM
  • Recognize the components of a VM
  • Navigate the vSphere Client and examine VM settings and options
  • Modify VMs by dynamically increasing resources
  • Create VM templates and deploy VMs from them
  • Clone VMs
  • Create customization specifications for guest operating systems
  • Create local, published, and subscribed content libraries
  • Deploy VMs from content libraries
  • Manage multiple versions of VM templates in content libraries
Managing Virtual Machines
  • Recognize the types of VM migrations that you can perform within a vCenter instance and across vCenter instances
  • Migrate VMs using vSphere vMotion
  • Describe the role of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility in migrations
  • Migrate VMs using vSphere Storage vMotion
  • Take a snapshot of a VM
  • Manage, consolidate, and delete snapshots
  • Describe CPU and memory concepts in relation to a virtualized environment
  • Describe how VMs compete for resources
  • Define CPU and memory shares, reservations, and limits
Deploying and Configuring vSphere Clusters
  • Create a vSphere cluster enabled for vSphere DRS and vSphere HA
  • View information about a vSphere cluster
  • Explain how vSphere DRS determines VM placement on hosts in the cluster
  • Recognize use cases for vSphere DRS settings
  • Monitor a vSphere DRS cluster
  • Describe how vSphere HA responds to various types of failures
  • Identify options for configuring network redundancy in a vSphere HA cluster
  • Recognize vSphere HA design considerations
  • Recognize the use cases for various vSphere HA settings
  • Configure a vSphere HA cluster
  • Recognize when to use vSphere Fault Tolerance
Managing the vSphere Lifecycle
  • Enable vSphere Lifecycle Manager in a vSphere cluster
  • Describe features of the vCenter Update Planner
  • Run vCenter upgrade prechecks and interoperability reports
  • Recognize features of VMware vSphere® Lifecycle Manager™
  • Distinguish between managing hosts using baselines and managing hosts using images
  • Describe how to update hosts using baselines
  • Describe ESXi images
  • Validate ESXi host compliance against a cluster image and update ESXi hosts
  • Update ESXi hosts using vSphere Lifecycle Manager
  • Describe vSphere Lifecycle Manager automatic recommendations
  • Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager to upgrade VMware Tools and VM hardware
42450 kr (exklusive moms)
5 dagar
Ort och startdatum
10 mar
Stockholm, Live Online
5 maj
Göteborg, Live Online
23 jun
Stockholm, Live Online
18 aug
Live Online

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