VMware vSphere - Troubleshooting

Denna praktiska utbildning ger dig avancerad kunskap och förmåga inom felsökning av VMware vSphere-miljön med ESXi och vCenter Server.
Du kommer att utveckla din färdighet och kompetens när det gäller att använda kommandoradgränssnittet, VMware vSphere Client, loggfiler och andra verktyg för att analysera och lösa problem.
Målgrupp och förkunskaper
Kursen är framtagen för systemingenjörer och administratörer som behöver kunna utföra avancerad felsökning av ett datacenter baserat på VMware-teknologier.
Som deltagare förutsätts du redan ha arbetat med administration av VMware-baserade datacenter, samt besitta goda kunskaper om vSphere, ESXi och vCenter Server.
För att alltid hålla en hög kvalitet på våra teknikkurser använder vi både engelsk- och svensktalande experter som kursledare.
Detaljerad information
Kursmaterialet är på engelska, med detta innehåll:
Introduction to Troubleshooting
- Define the scope of troubleshooting
- Use a structured approach to solve configuration and operational problems
- Apply troubleshooting methodology to logically diagnose faults and improve troubleshooting efficiency
Troubleshooting Tools
- Discuss the various methods to run commands
- Discuss the various ways to access ESXi Shell
- Use commands to view, configure, and manage your vSphere components
- Use the vSphere CLI
- Use ESXCLI commands from the vSphere CLI
- Use Data Center CLI commands
- Identify the best tool for command-line interface troubleshooting
- Identify important log files for troubleshooting vCenter Server and ESXi
- Describe the benefits and capabilities of VMware SkylineTM
- Explain how VMware Skyline works
- Describe VMware SkylineTM Health
- Describe VMware Skyline AdvisorTM
Troubleshooting Virtual Networking
- Analyze and troubleshoot standard switch problems
- Analyze and troubleshoot virtual machine connectivity problems
- Analyze and troubleshoot management network problems
- Analyze and troubleshoot distributed switch problems
Troubleshooting Storage
- Discuss the vSphere storage architecture
- Identify the possible causes of problems in the various types of datastores
- Analyze the common storage connectivity and configuration problems
- Discuss the possible storage problems causes
- Solve the storage connectivity problems, correct misconfigurations, and restore LUN visibility
- Review vSphere storage architecture and functionality necessary to troubleshoot storage problems
- Use ESXi and Linux commands to troubleshoot storage problems
- Analyze log file entries to identify the root cause of storage problems
- Investigate ESXi storage issues
- Troubleshoot VM snapshots
- Troubleshoot storage performance problems
- Review multipathing
- Identify the common causes of missing paths, including PDL and APD conditions
- Solve the missing path problems between hosts and storage devices
Troubleshooting vSphere Clusters
- Identify and troubleshoot vSphere HA problems
- Analyze and solve vSphere vMotion problems
- Diagnose and troubleshoot common vSphere DRS problems
Troubleshooting Virtual Machines
- Discuss virtual machine files and disk content IDs
- Identify, analyze, and solve virtual machine snapshot problems
- Troubleshoot virtual machine power-on problems
- Identify possible causes and troubleshoot virtual machine connection state problems
- Diagnose and recover from VMware Tools installation failures
Troubleshooting vCenter Server and ESXi
- Analyze and solve vCenter Server service problems
- Diagnose and troubleshoot vCenter Server database problems
- Use vCenter Server Appliance shell and the Bash shell to identify and solve problems
- Identify and troubleshoot ESXi host problems
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