
Below you find info regarding travel, expenses, invoicing and other administrative aspects of doing business with us.

Travel and Accommodation

If you are going to give trainings in a place other than your hometown, you can get help with booking travel and accommodation by emailing Let us know no earlier than two weeks and no later than one week before the start of the course. Exceptions from this are made when we have booked you as a later later than that. When your travel is booked, you get all the information you need and if you want to rebook your trip, you are responsible for this yourself.

If you have not emailed us in time, you are responsible for the booking being made. If the costs are higher because you have been out late, you may have to pay for some of it yourself. We will then reimburse you with a standard amount corresponding to what travel or hotel would normally cost us. The standard amount for hotels was in 2016 between 900 and 1600 SEK, depending on location.

If you choose to drive, you may invoice us for a mileage allowance of SEK 37 / 10km within Sweden.

If you fall ill

Should you fall ill when scheduled for a course, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible, so that we can look for a replacement. If it is outside office hours, notify Wendy Winlund (070-449 64 02).

Costs and invoicing

Please note that you may only invoice expenses and hours agreed upon beforhand, read more in the Business Opportunities and Extra Hours section.

Cornerstone Group AB has 30 days payment terms. Always put this payment terms on your invoices. Travel allowance and other expenses are only paid if it has been agreed in advance.

If you invoice via e-mail, send it to If you send by post, the address is Cornerstone Group AB, Box 1073, 164 25 Kista.

It is important that it is clear what the invoice refers to. It must state the nature and extent of the work performed, time period, the course leader's name, specification of other expenses and other remuneration that has been specifically agreed.

If the same invoice covers several delivery occations and there are costs for travel, accommodation or preparations, it must be specified which occasion(s) these costs refer to. It must also be clear that Cornerstone Group AB is the invoice recipient.

If costs for travel and hotels are re-invoiced, you add 25 percent VAT. You report the amount excluding VAT and then add 25% VAT to the entire amount, regardless of whether you yourself have paid 6% or 12% VAT on travel or hotels.

Invoice Attachments and Format

Attach receipts/documentation to prove costs for travel and accommodation. You may also put the person you were in contact with before the course as a reference on the invoice.

One single PDF

Invoices are read semi-automatically. For this process to run smoothly, invoices need to be be a single pdf file. Should receipts be included, they need to be in the same .pdf document as the invoice.

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